“Of great worlds we will see to know of love. Eternally sung within your being and flowing as the great rivers that meet the sea. You will know the wonderment of your own voice when you step within and surrender to the great abyss, the mysticism and magic of life. There is no other that can BE this but you. NOW is the ever-flowing, ever-moving divining of time”. Thoth
Sacred Tablets ~ Thoth ~ Mystics
In the power of the Equinox and new moon energies, we will delve into the the magick, synchronicity and alignment of cosmology, our own ‘sacred emerald tablets of knowledge and wisdom’, divine timing and our role NOW TO BE in this amazing world.
As always on the September Equinox we will also have beautiful alignments with our 5D Nervous & Immune Systems, intricately linked to the song lines of the Universe!
Come join a very unique experience and say YES to YOU!
I am loving the energy behind this event – powerful, truly beautiful and unique!
We look forward to seeing you – Victoria x
“Bring to the me, to the ALL your voice, let us hear the light that is held within
It is joy to behold your becoming, the truth fulfilling its prophecy to step into the time of divine, to know the cosmos within your great heart and to allow all to flow.
The ‘Tablets of Sacred Verse’ call to the inner knowledge written from soul. To hear the world of your voice open to its great wisdom that has been always. Voices remember and flow to the calling of hearts and the awakening of minds to bring together a verse, a tablet written for each that will be remembered.
Your lives of earth and of heavens are merging together to know the voice of sacred tone and song that has been written in stone and sung in stars. SO IT IS!” Thoth
Join Victoria, David, Master Thoth and others for Language of Light transmissions, sacred sound, singing bowls, harp, meditation. Divine blueprint especially for this session and mp3 recording.
BRING: Beautiful and amazing YOU! A crystal you would like to work with, water and extra water for charging to assist integration after the event.
15% of your investment will be donated to ‘Sweet Child Peru’ – A BIG THANK YOU!