A Soul Blueprint for your home or work

Can clear unhealthy energies in the home or office
Can clear unhealthy energies in the home or office
Can open the mind to creative thoughts and productivity
An I AM/Soul Blueprint can assist your home or workplace to shift any old, heavy and stale vibrations and energies. It works on the higher vibrations of the workplace or home, the original blueprint of its highest potential and the highest potential of co-operation for all involved. A divine I AM Blueprint can invoke peace and harmony and help people to take responsibility for their choices and start taking the steps to create harmony within themselves. When the intent is placed by the client, there can be a huge change not only in people living there but in pets, visitors and other energies in the home. It is amazing as one person shifts it can create shifts in all. A deeper understanding of situations and choices are often inspired!
What is a Soul Blueprint?

Your I AM presence is like the Master Conductor of an Orchestra and I am part of that orchestra – you guide me and show me the codes, colours, sounds and writings you require to expand, awaken, remember and to grow
Every Blueprint is as unique as every Soul in the Universe.
Your Blueprint is a plan, a story that you wrote, seeded, and birthed into life. It is never ‘fixed’ and is always moving, shifting, expanding, and evolving.
Of “Star and Stone, the Galaxies and the Omniverse”, you chose to live, learn, love, and create through the many expressions of Self in your multi-faceted dimensional energies.

One of these energies is the human form you have chosen to take now!

You will continue to write your story and choose your path for as long as your last breath on Earth. The Blueprint that you chose to express before you came into this physical form will be very different from the one you hold when you depart the physical earth plane.
What this means is you are no longer bound or tied by your past or your future, by your ancestors, or what is known as ‘contracts and agreements of karma’
You are the creator of your own destiny!
Your blueprint is expressions of energy – light and sound, that hold keys that open the many doorways and pathways of your divine plan filled with higher potentials to express, experience and BE.
A Divine Blueprint is like a design or template. It is like our original ‘recorded data’ – all of our original information of pure sound and light. Codes and records within an energy field that we each originally held from our Source/Creator – The One. It is pure energy that shifts and creates as the wind blows and the oceans flow.
Our divine I AM Blueprint is our spark of the One Source that was sent out to experience through many forms of light and sound (our own life experiences and our extended Soul Group’s experiences on Earth and other realms) and eventually to return home – to our ONE Cosmic heart through love.
Victoria 'sees' what is needed at that moment in time
Over the past several years, I have been graced by Victoria’s exceptional gifts and offerings. As a multidimensional healer, intuitive and visionary, Victoria ‘sees’ what is needed at that moment in time. Her abilities to facilitate the energies coming through or needed results in profound energetic and spiritual transformation.
Whether it is a personal session, an ‘I AM’ Blueprint or offering of the Munay-Ki Rites, the experiences are grounded in universal love and light brought through her kind, compassionate and loving heart. My personal journey has been enhanced, expanded and enlightened through Victoria’s expertise, guidance and assistance. Deeply blessed and grateful.
Katie Rose – Texas, USA
Your Blueprint Experience

For many years now I have been creating expansive divine I AM Blueprints for clients all over the world. You receive an A3 size creation on 600gsm high-quality paper card ready to be framed. I use many mediums including pen, ink, powders, pastels, and fine paint.
It is one of my most favourite things to do, creating magic for someone from their Higher Divine!
Divine I AM Blueprint