Pleiadean Codex – The Path of the Golden Dragons

Pleiadean Codex - The Path of the Golden Dragons


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Event Details



With Victoria & David Webby  

Including:  Language of Light transmissions, singing bowls, meditations, transformational sound, recordings through mp3 and all material downloads.

Join the energies of Pleiades  for a memorable two hours of connection as we gracefully & joyously ‘set fire’ and farewell our old and step into a presence that is both profound and inspiring, aligning a path of divine connection with the Golden Dragons, a multi-dimensional version of self.  
“There is no better time than the gateways of Solstice to ignite the  pathways of change through both diverse and divine balance”.  BE bold, BE powerful, BE you!


A transcript from the Pleiadean Codex:

“Realities and timelines will continue to shift as you remember your innate connection to the everything.  What you thought was true then will have a different truth now, what you thought was ‘old’ before, will step into a different ‘old’ and what you thought was groundbreaking and new will continuously morph and change as you continue to expand and negotiate new paradigms until there is simply ‘nothing’.

Your sense of ‘what is real’ will always be extending you, challenging you to BE-COME (be and come into being) the highest version of your experience and expression of the stillness that simply IS, the no-thing that will simply BE.  Where all attachment to ‘being anything’ will lessen and your understanding of your senses, your challenges, your needs, desires and wants will dissipate.   You become clearer of mind and body, your ‘lightness of being becomes your natural way, your voice your natural song and your rhythm your natural grace’.

There is nothing you need to measure or define yourself by. There are no faults, there is nothing wrong or even right, non-judgement is your natural way and your ‘new reality’ in that moment.

You are simply ‘you BE-IN-g you in the greatest and most joyous expression of love’.

Blessed BE!”

Investment:  Please pay $24.00 through the link at top of page or credit to my bank account (sms 0438165297 for details)

Zoom Link:  I will send you zoom link via email on receipt of payment (please allow some time due to time zones)

Date & Time:  Sunday, 19th June, 2022 at 5pm AEST (Hobart, Australia)

Picture credit:  Golden dragons: