Living Library – Sirian Sounds

Living Libraries with the Sirian Star Masters


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Now Complete – Recording available for purchase.

Join us for a Solstice Celebration, Thursday, 22nd June and step into your ‘Living Library’ of Sound & Light.  The Living Library is a portal to multiple streams of expression, existing in the NOW of NOW.

Open your hearts and imagination, walk in the path of your “I AM BEING” and listen to your deepest whispers of love.  Your evolution is yours to express through choice, ‘being life – living life’ as your divine Soul on earth.  This is your greatest experience NOW for it is through awakened, expansive, conscious evolution.

This is a time of freedom, liberation and Soul-full remembrance    

Through this Solstice celebration, in the energy of Cancer, the Sirian Starry Masters will guide us into beautiful introspection and expansion through presence of NOW.

*Activations through the energy of Solstice;
*Transmissions through the Blue Star;
*Step into your Living Library with Sirian Masters
*Star Cell mastery

Experience beautiful circle online with crystal singing bowls/harp, language of light, meditation and deep transformational transmissions.   You will receive an mp3 after the event.