Codes of Kemet – A Divine Frequency of Sound & Light


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Codes of Kemet - A Divine Frequency of Sound & Light with Victoria Webby

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Now complete & available for purchase
“Egyptian Codes – Music, Sound & Light”
Aligning with divine codes, resonance of sacred sound, language and light.
Codes ‘re-written, re-scored’ and celebrated for the time of NOW.


“The land that touches heaven, the inbreath and outbreath where consciousness is one with that which moves in the Universe”

Victoria has just returned from Egypt – Kemet (Black Lands) – Zep Tepi (the first time). Stepping into refined space to receive codes and sounds of light through the Temples and lands of no-time and Divine Will.  Witnessing a shifting of the Guardians of Earth.  She has been asked to step within and share these codes with those that choose to receive to assist foundation, direction and growth, taking huge steps within for own self-awareness and creation.

“Along with my husband David and other beautiful people, doorways opened for us to receive and experience deep integration from our multi-universal, multi-dimensional selves. The experiences felt surreal yet with a deep knowledge and familiarity of our divine simply BEING open to receive and express as our I AM.  This was my second time in Egypt experiencing a deepening, a remembrance and a journey encouraged by Soul to step into something ‘greater than’.  Every moment was amazing.  Come join the fun!”   Victoria

Join David & Victoria on the eve of the “Super New Moon in Pisces” – moving forward on our journey.  Connect deeply with Language of Light codes from the sacred energies & ancient worlds of NOW; divine blueprint (download); power point (pdf); meditations; sacred codes & transmissions; channel; crystal singing bowls; harp & other instruments.

***Session is recorded for people who attend and you will receive an email with mp3, blueprints & power point.  

TO REGISTER & PURCHASE:  Please pay AUD $44 at top of page ‘REGISTER NOW’ (click on which order you would like and then press paypal or card) – a copy of the zoom link and blueprints will be sent to you a couple of days prior to the event.
33.3% goes towards (Mumbai, India)

If you can’t attend live and would like a copy please purchase in the REGISTER NOW at top of page and I will send after the event.

We look forward to sharing with you on this day, an amazing and transformational experience TOGETHER.

We are Love;  We are One

Codes of Kemet - A Divine Frequency of Sound & Light with Victoria Webby