Prints on Canvas: Ancient Tribes



Gallery-wrapped high quality photo prints on canvas.  Prints are made from a selection of Victoria’s divine Blueprints.

Available in 4 sizes.  Shipped direct from printer.

See below for the story behind the sacred Blueprint.

Prints on Canvas: Ancient Tribes


The original blueprint was for a soul calling to Egypt from the energy of Goddess ISIS (Auset).  It started with the energy of Scarab, the infinite symbol and the pyramids.  This was a connection with the Sacred Temple of Isis on the 20-02-2020 & the Great Pyramid on 22-02-2020.

This blueprint is also a symbol of the ‘Great Tribes’ before time on earth in physical form & then coming into form to bring forth the light of what I heard as the tribes of Abra’am – the essence of language before the language on earth.  The language of the multi-verses.

The centre is the heart of all tribes on earth.


Cosmic Soul Cards


The acceleration cards will assist you in shedding the old, embracing the new and balancing the NOW

Personal Sessions


Self-care, letting go of the past, healthier relationships, living in self-awareness and presence, higher connection, psychic expansion, are all part of Victoria’s sessions with people.

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