5D Nervous System Advancement: 2020-2044

5 Part “live” Workshop Series of group recordings from workshops over 3 Equinoxes & 2 Solstices in 2019 & 2020 for the advancement of the 5D human nervous system. Multi-dimensional and advanced knowledge and codes for cellular expansion and upliftment of humanity. ‘This upgrade is to continue to align through the many years ahead to 2044’
Series 1
We received preparation, enhancement and shifts in both the central nervous system (brain & spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system for what was to come.
- 3 short MP3’s in preparation for the 3-3-3 day’s recordings and blueprints
- MP3 recordings of the day with Language of Light, group meditation and sound.
- 2 divine blueprints used on the day: “Gateway of Trust” and “Centre of the Universe – Crystal Diamond Heart”.
Series 2
Preparing and opening, balance 5D nervous system to receive the harmonics of the Universe and cosmic elements of sound and light.
Reconfiguration left and right hemispheres to receive, accept and open knowledge through sound and light of Universal tones and codes.
- All the recordings, meditations, group sound and Language of Light activations on the day;
- 3 divine blueprints: ‘Heart-Brain, Divine Convergence – 13 Crystal Skulls’; ‘The Brain Matrix – Creation Eye’ and the final Blueprint ‘Sacred Chord – I AM Sound & Light’
Series 3
The group worked with the Peripheral Nervous System and other components. We worked with sound – expanding ‘Universal Mind’ and listened to a Channel from crystals working with ancient lines in Africa
- all the recordings, meditations, group sound and Language of Light activations on the day
- 2 divine blueprints: ‘Unlocking Time and ‘Golden Serpent-Golden Threads’
Series 4
“There is no greater rhythm in the Universe than that where the mind and heart entwines and becomes ONE”.
- all the recordings, meditations, group sound and Language of Light activations on the day;
- 2 divine Blueprints “Dancing with the Universes” and “Crystal Skulls”.
Series 5
Very powerful 5D Reboot with continued expansions, regeneration, upgrades and strengthening the immune system. Working with the Vagus Nerve. Arcturians & many Realms.
- All the recordings, meditations, group sound and Language of Light activations on the day;
- 1 divine Blueprint 2020-2033 Triple Helix