Solstice Celebration – Our Sacred Garden Within

Solstice Celebrations. Self-awareness, Seeing, knowing, nurturing and growing into full bloom our sacred garden within.

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    Zoom Online

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    12-2pm AEDT & 5pm PST (Saturday 20th)

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    Start Date

    Saturday, 21st December AEDT & /Saturday 20th PST

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    AUD $44.00 (see payment link at bottom of page)

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Event Details


SOLSTICE CELEBRATIONS!  Join Victoria Webby and Samridhi Purohit  at 12 noon AEDT 21st December (5pm PST 20th December; 9am Singapore; 6.30am India) for a grand celebration with the Solstice.

Observing, knowing, nurturing and growing into full bloom our ‘sacred garden’ within. We will step into the energies of joy, balance, harmony, appreciation and open to new beginnings.

We will connect to the ‘original divine blueprint, sound and resonance of earth & star’.

We will connect to the galactic and universal gardens that directly affect our experiences with ‘nature and nurture’ in this human form.

Samridhi, a cosmic story teller,  will take you through a multi-dimensional galactic journey with the solstices and equinoxes.  

Victoria, a divine blueprinter & code creator, will guide you in anchoring ‘new’ codes of sound & light from your original ‘Sacred Garden’ and to open gateways of deep transformation.

Language of Light transmissions, channeled information, meditation, acceleration, connection to your multiple galactic, universal, cosmic energies and much more will be experienced together.  We will go with the flow of the energy of the group in the ‘now of now’.

To register – to attend live on zoom or receive a recording of the event, please go to this link where after payment, you will receive a confirmation email with zoom:  GO HERE FOR BOOKING & PAYMENT

AEDT – Australian Eastern Daylight Time


More information for Samridhi:  GO HERE

More information for Victoria:  GO HERE

Join my new You Tube channel:  GO HERE