For the Love of Money – Divine Currency & Living through Joy

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    Online Zoom

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    2 hours each session - 8pm to 10pm

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    Start Date

    Sunday 8th & 15th September 2024

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    AUD $44.00 (go to Register in the text & body of the page )

Register Now


Event Details


Welcome to this page!  Please join a sacred and special circle over 2 nights to deepen your self-awareness and understanding within all aspects of your life.

Relationships with money, wealth, family, society, is simply a reflection of how you choose to relate to self and your many life experiences living through you.  It’s a reflection of the energy, vibration and frequency you are projecting within and without.  Choosing to live through presence, through awareness, and honouring all the transformation in your world with deeper insight, is such a gift to open doorways that are aligned with your higher consciousness and is totally achievable and reachable for everyone!

When you are aware of the stories you create and the paths you walk, when you choose to free the judgement of where you have been and what you see in others, it creates a very intimate and expansive space for you to grow, to step forward and journey and to clearly ‘know’ your truth, FOR YOU.

What an amazing experience this life then becomes;  it’s time to let go and just say yes!

Over the 2 nights we will dive deep into our relationships with self, money, wealth, career, family, partners and more, setting free our energies from the old perceptions we are holding onto, as well as recognise misplaced and distorted planetary grids that are affecting us.  We will explore and vision crystal clear outcomes, we will step into a higher intuition, vibration and frequency with simple techniques, and presence to sustain and expand your dreams.

Over the 2 sessions Jess will connect us with the Lyrian Sovereignty Codes and the Lemurian Healing Pod technique to help clear money stories, as well as reinforcing new codes of self-belief in ourselves as co-creators through our connection to Source.

Jess will also be connecting us with our Master Crystal Blueprint to clear any stories in our earth lifetimes and any stories we have attached ourselves to, whilst utilising the Lyrian energies to help current money lack programming from re-attaching themselves to us as we journey forth in life.

Victoria will utilise the power of the divine blueprint she is creating which has specific codes embedded in the phrase “For the Love of Money – Divine Currency & Living through Joy” with easy access to higher intuition, frequency & vibrations to access your dreams and outcomes.   There will be Language of Light transmissions, to acknowledge and free the old and embrace and weave the expansive ‘Galactic and Universal sound scripts and codes’ from a higher dimensional understanding that are innately within us, and will naturally guide us on how to embrace, embody, earth, ground and live an abundant life with presence through these higher dimensional codes.

Victoria will take you into a meditative state with your ‘divine well-being & wealth templates’,  that will spin and weave your sacred sound into a NEW divine infinite light-web and assist you to lovingly accept the ‘all of you’ and know worthiness in living a joyous and heart-felt life.  There is also a new divine sound template of ‘quantum prosperity’ awaiting your awareness in the now of now!

This two day event has been so divinely directed with synchronicities and amazing downloads of how to start operating outside of current earth money programs that will truly uplift the planetary vibrations, frequency and resonance of the collective.   It’s time.  Just say yes!

 Sunday 8th and 15th September, 2024

Time:  8pm – 10pm AEST (zoom room opens at 7.50pm)
Investment:  AUD $44.00 (for 2 nights – 4 hours)
Registration:  To register & pay go HERE  On registration you will receive an email response with your zoom link.  PLEASE CHECK SPAM/JUNK FILE

PLEASE NOTE:  this zoom link is for both the 8th and 15th September.  

Please put the dates and zoom link in your calendar now!
If you can’t attend live, recordings will be available within 24 hours after each session.

We look forward to sharing in circle with you,
Victoria & Jess

About Victoria: Victoria is a Visionary and Channel,
who for 20 years has been a divine Blueprinter and
multi-dimensional Sound Translator and Linguist in the Language of Light.

For more information on Victoria please go HERE


About Jess: Jessica is a Transformational Coach and Meditation Facilitator. She is a practitioner of the Living Sound Light System and is busy incorporating light language and blueprints into her different services.

For more information on Jess please go